**Italics is a channeled message
Hello fellow empaths. Let me start by saying this is a space for healing so that's my intent with this.
In light of the Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, individual and collective emotions are high and are extremely challenging right now- I know I got overwhelmed by them as the judgment first came out, and some of you may have as well. You may still be overwhelmed by them.
I know that people have differing opinions on all of this, which is ok. I know I was sad and I’ve been trying to take the Eagle’s point of view-higher perspective-and understand everything from an energetic evolution perspective and move into objectivity. What I’m getting here is that part of the lesson is for us to learn to work through these kinds of global ring-pass-naughts with more gentleness, ease, and grace. With the Rays of Feminine Energy coming in that we’ll be working with, I think this brings a shift. I think the call is to shift from the very masculine (yang, fire energy) approach to a more feminine (yin, water energy) approach.
I think some of us are being asked to be calm space holders- those who are holding the larger space of possibility for the changes to happen. Hold the space of allowing the resolution that is to the Highest and Best for ALL of us to come. Seeing those higher Ideals, from a space of Truth and Love.
To be clear, I’m not saying don’t do anything-in fact, we always need to take action, whatever we’re working for. But, when we do, I think we’re being asked to lift to a higher octave first. Not just about this, but all of the uncomfortable expansion that is coming.
No one ever wins an argument, but you can choose to be way-showers who inspire change. Reaching objectivity is a higher vibrational frequency than moving out of anger. Lift your frequency, then take action. That is this much-needed impersonal love.
Impersonal love translates to seeing it from the Ray 10 Buddhic Higher Love & Wisdom perspective, or as Paul Selig’s Guides call it, The Upper Room. Being in a lifted vibrational frequency and then lifting the world up to you. In this space, in this upper room, there isn’t fear and distortion (there can’t be, because there’s only Truth).
We showed her a glimpse of this- this instance in your country history is a catalyst of change. She talks about it all the time in her work, for many of you heading down a spiritual path, there is a really hard catalyst of change. There is the breaking point where you turn the eyes upward and ask “God help me” and that is the beginning of the journey. This has the opportunity to be much like that. We showed her how women are going to come together. This has the potential to be the thing that unites women- for so long you all have been pushed against each other - this has been the masculine energy leading the world. As we have already told you, there is feminine energy coming in. There is a shift into bringing all of the feminine rays into the world, and a shift in how things will operate. This will be beneficial for all mankind, and yes, in some cases, especially the men, and this will be the thing the world needs. It has the potential to finally bring women together. You, as humanity, choose the hard ways to learn (you don’t have to, you just tend to choose this way). We showed her a glimpse of women working together, in a unified way, and that is the great potential outcome. Watching out for each other, working together, breaking down the old paradigms of jealousy and disharmony among women. Yes, we know you don’t all agree, and that is ok. We are asking you to find grace with each other. To respect each other despite your differences of opinion. This is a great potential for you to evolve- on a personal level- to learn to remove judgment although you feel very passionately about something, and to approach it from a place of loving power. You will not be able to force your way to a resolution here. She is correct that some of you are here to hold space to allow the others to step into it. It is a challenging assignment, but one you have agreed to. You will know if that is your role.
A couple things I'm doing to move through this with a little more gentleness, ease & grace and lift my frequency:
- Epsom salt bath to wash off energy you've collected- (or if you can't do that, an Epsom
salt foot soak and a shower). Visualize all of the energy you've picked up dissolving in the bath/shower. Water is a great healer of emotions and I feel like it always resets me.
-Get outside and get your feet in the dirt. You can also smudge yourself/house. Both of these charge your ions.
-Stop the scroll.
-Journal - write out all of the ways you're feeling. Frustrations, anger, sadness, etc. I'd actually write this on some loose paper so I could burn it.
-Ask for the love frequency to come in- First call in Ray 2, the Ray of Love and Wisdom
and feel it wash over you, and then Call in Ray 10, Higher Love and Wisdom (Buddhic level). It may be very subtle, but it takes this love frequency and lifts it. Spend a few minutes bas
king in this high frequency- let it shift your energy and then move forward from that space.
-Also, if you need to shift your focus to shift your vibe, here's my 13-hour (lol) surrender and flow playlist on Spotify. It's a mix of stuff that helps me let go and let it flow. Kirtans, mantras, a couple ram Das meditations, and then lots of cool stuff I use during rituals, and then a few songs that make me giggle.
Sending love & light to you, Love and light to the country, and love and light to those in distortion.
<3 Carly
Link to the playlist: